My Email Policy
- Do not send me spam.
- Do not send me hoaxes.
- Do not send me chain letters. I do not participate in chain letters.
- Any message that says something like "Forward this to everyone you can" is most likely hoax or a chain letter.
- Jokes are OK, but if the subject line starts with "Re: Re: Re," I've probably already heard it.
- Windows viruses, trojans and other malware are OK. My computer is immune to them.
The following types of messages will be treated with low priority:
- Messages with a blank subject line
- Messages in all capital letters
- Messages in English, with extremely poor spelling, punctuation and grammar, from native English speakers
- Ad hominem attacks, strawman arguments, and other logical fallacies
The following types of messages will be treated with high priority:
- Messages with a valid PGP or S/MIME signature
- Messages encrypted with my PGP key
Additional requests:
- Do not give my email address to spammers.
- If you click a web link that says "Send this page to a friend," and enter my address, you're probably giving my address to a spammer.
- If you send me an "electronic greeting card" you're probably giving my address to a spammer.
- Do not send me Microsoft® Word documents. I do not have Microsoft® Word. Save them to an open or non-proprietary format (Same for Excel and Powerpoint® files).